This past Sunday we were honored to host a recognition event for Edwina (Eddie to most of us). She has been with CEF for 50 years - first as a summer missionary all the way through to her current position as Director of Training.
The program consisted of two former State Directors honoring Eddie. We also had a letter read to Eddie from the President of CEF National! Jonathan Alden sent a letter for Eddie as well. The committee presented Eddie with a picture frame gift with a scripture verse. Eddie's current Pastor was in attendance and recognized her accomplishments in the church outside of CEF. Amy opened the program with a beautiful song - Thank you - in honor of Eddie. Eddie wrote a letter to everyone in attendance expressing her gratitude at being honored. She had Sharon read the letter for her so she wouldn't become too emotional to speak. Dave closed the program with prayer.
The final count for attendance at the event was well over 100 people!!
During the event, we were able to request contributions for a ceiling fan project where the contributions would be made in honor of Eddie. Attendees contributed over $400 in honor of Eddie. What a blessing!